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答复:您在提交完订单之后,会出现一个订单号码,以及银行汇款信息。请根据订单金额选择您最方便的银行户口支付。支付完成后,请将您汇款的金额,汇款大概时间,汇入的银行名,连同您的订单号码,一起SMS 017-5519699,我们收到信息之后,就会马上查询,如果信息正确,您的订单就可以马上确认。接下来,您只需要等待收货就可以了噢!





(1) Where is our shipping center? How long will it take to receive the goods?

Answer: All the products purchased with us are in stock. Basically, orders that are confirmed for payment every day can be sent from our delivery center in KL at the fastest speed through POSLAJU on the same day, and arrive at yours within the third to five days. Address!

 (2) After you submit the order, what if the payment is confirmed?

Reply: After you submit the order, an order number and bank remittance information will appear. Please choose your most convenient bank account to pay according to the order amount. After the payment is completed, please send your remittance amount, approximate time of remittance, bank name of the remittance, and your order number together with SMS 017-5519699. After we receive the information, we will check it immediately. If the information is correct, your The order can be confirmed immediately. Next, you just need to wait for the receipt of the goods!

 (3) If I deposit money through ATM, will the overpaid balance be refunded immediately?

Reply: If your payment amount is greater than the order amount, the resulting balance, you need to trouble you to transfer money back to our account to you

 (4) Are there any sensitive words on the courier bill? What is the product packaging, privacy?

Reply: In order to protect the privacy of customers to the utmost extent, the contents of the package on the courier slip are always filled in'Baju' clothes! The product is packaged with two-layer privacy and shading, and the contents of the package are completely invisible from the outside, and it is 100% safe and secret!